About Us
The Grow Smart, Grow Safe® consumer guide to lawn and garden products is a project of Thurston County Environmental Health in Olympia, Washington. All products in this guide are registered for outdoor home use in Washington State. There are no restricted use pesticides in the guide or products that require a pesticide license to purchase or apply. Products with the same name may be found in different states or countries but they may not be the same as those you find in this guide. Please ensure that any pesticide product you purchase is applied according to the label directions and that it is registered for use in your area.
Many organizations, agencies and individuals collaborated to develop this consumer guide on pest controls and natural yard care. Many thanks to Lisa Niehaus, Dr. Catherine Daniels (Washington State University), Lien Jardine and Mary Rabourn (King County), Joel Plewa (Thurston County), Lisa Heigh and Carl Grimm (Metro in Portland Oregon), David McDonald (Seattle Public Utilities), and the staff that operate the Garden Hotline all who have contributed their time and invaluable input. This project is partially funded from the Washington State Department of Ecology's Local Solid Waste Financial Assistance Grant program supplemented with local solid waste tipping fees.
About Our Ratings
- Product ratings are based upon available information for each pesticide’s active ingredient(s). Products may contain other ingredients or contaminants unknown to Thurston County whose presence, if known, could change the product’s ratings.
- Safety of a product depends to a great extent upon how it is used. A lower hazard rating is not a guarantee of a product’s safety, especially if a product is not used according to label directions. Similarly, a higher hazard rating does not necessarily imply that use will cause harm or damage if appropriate precautions are taken. Thurston County encourages everyone to wear chemically resistant gloves (like nitrile or latex), safety glasses, long-sleeved shirt and pants while handling or applying pesticides to minimize chemical exposure.
- These ratings are presented for informational purposes only. A rating does not constitute an endorsement of a particular product. Thurston County makes no guarantees as to the safety or efficacy of any product and assumes no responsibility or liability for any injury or damage that may result from using any product.
- No monetary contributions were solicited or accepted from manufacturers of the products listed on this website.
Contact Us
Kimberly Graham (Project Manager)
(360) 867-2586
Thurston County IPM Program
(360) 867-2664